【Taipei】How to set up a company in Taiwan

In order to set up company, firstly you decide the company name.

IF The company name is ok , you can  a “Preparing account” that you can transfer the capital money.

Since Your company has not set up yet, so you can not open the corporate account. so you open “Preparing account” first.

Foreign capital must be paid exactly in Taiwan dollars from outside the Taiwan.

Before open the “Preparing account”, you need to take a Taiwan ID at immigration ( xiao nan men).

It takes 10 min to open the “Preparing account”.

After  opening the “Preparing account”, you transfer money to there, then you are under the review.

Then you can apply working visa ( out side taiwan). then you enter taiwan with the visa, and go to immigration to take ARC card.

Your company account is still “Preparing account”. so you need to go to the bank to open the real corporate account. you can get a bank card this time.

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