【Taipei】Recommended Taipei free WIFI cafe

I will introduce Recommended Taipei free WIFI cafe.

Dante cafe. they have many branch in Taipei. Green sign board is out standing.

This cafe is very specious , so easy to relax. There is a time limit to use wife, but it is OK if you register in each case.


Tea and food is also delicious. There are many students who studyi here.

Mr.Brown Cafe

No limited free wifi. I like their breakfast set meal. you can eat at 100 NT$.

Ikari cafe
There is a time limit to use wife, but it is OK if you register in each case.

You know, many Taiwanese people like to stay at cafe very long. They do not care about store situation, and other people.

Some group enjoy card game over a few hours. This is not happen in Japan and western countries.

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