Tamura Brewery (田村酒造所, tamurasyuzojo) is the one of the most established Sake Brewery in Tokyo which opened at 1822 by Mr. Kanjiro Tamura.
The name of their image “Kasen” is named from their well water from Chichibu-Okutama water. The water is the best quality for making Sake.
Regardless they utilize the same well which exhausted around 200 years prior.
The most loved Sake in Tamura Brewery, is “Maboroshi no Sake.” It is Honjozo-sake(本醸造酒). The perfect of “Maboroshi no Sake” is the best quality with sensible cost.
Look at the Best nature of Sake! Tamura Brewery has around 200 years of history of making Sake. A percentage of the building are really unique ones from the 1822.
“Work with deference, present with deference”
This is their arrangement composed by the organizer Mr. Kanjiro Tamura. Whenever Mr. Kanjiro chose to make Sake Brewery, he exhausted numerous wells, yet he couldn’t locate the great one for Sake. Sometime in the not so distant future, he exhausted within his own patio nursery, and he at long last hit the best well for Sake.
He named this water “Kasen (multifaceted nuance of Spring of bliss, and best water)” which now turn into the name of the brand. After around 200 years, despite everything they utilize the first well.
Tamura Brewery has 16 sorts of Sake and different sorts of size for every Sake.
Maboroshi no Sake
… is the Honjozo-purpose which delivered by fifteenth proprietor Mr. Hanjuro Tamura to create the best nature of Honjozo-purpose as second rank of Sake. It was huge hit in light of the fact that the taste was to a great degree awesome and cost was so sensible. Presently days, Maboroshi no Sake is one of renowned Sake in Tamura Brewery. It could be served by hot or icy purpose.
… is the Sake which has still dynamic yeast in it. Drink it frosty.
Tamura Sake
… is the uncommon brand of Tamura Brewery. It is served just 100 stores in Japan. Whole procedures are amazingly very much intended for making best sort of Sake.
It has extraordinary amicability of taste and smells. Solid, profound furthermore fruity taste. Drink it icy. You can’t purchase Tamura Sake at this distillery. If it’s not too much trouble look at the rundown of retailer shop on their official site.
They have Brewery visit and tasting for nothing. To do the visit, you need to make an arrangement.
Process – All done by the accomplished experts
Steaming Rice
“Steaming rice is the first and most critical procedure of Sake blending since all purpose will be made by those rice. We must be greatly cautious with dampness and temperature on the grounds that to make all rice similarly, we need to alter constantly.
On the off chance that you commit an error, then all the rice will be futile. Along these lines, we need to keep eyes on it all an ideal opportunity to make an extraordinary gushed rice, and that is my employment.”
Making Koji
“You can’t make the ideal Koji constantly. Along these lines, most vital thing to make a Koji is make an all around adjusted Koji. My occupation is thinking a head time what sort of Koji will be required for later process and make Koji in the way they need. There is no manual which make immaculate Koji, it’s about sense and feeling.”
Making Yeast Mash
“My occupation is making huge measure of top notch Yeast Mash. I need to keep my eyes on gruel and scents, as well as hues too. The more I make Yeast Mash, the simpler the procedure will be. On the off chance that the Yeast Mash was terrible quality, the we never ready to make extraordinary purpose.”
Stocking In
“In this Process, we put Yeast Mash, Steamed Rice, Koji, and water. We do this for three times, first: Soe, second: Naka, third: Tome. In the middle of, Soe and Naka, there are break period which called Odori. At that point all the purpose materials gets to be Moromi.”
Aging Process
“I need to check the Fermentation Process all the ideal opportunity for Sake to end up careful way we need. It is more like dealing with infant. I must be there constantly. In my position, I need to deal with all the procedure from Koji making to Stocking since I need to settle on a request and choice to make up the last taste of Sake. In this way, I need to think a head for week by week or even month to month further later on.”
Crushing Moromi
“Some of high rank Sake, we utilize the customary method for pressing which is utilize the gravity to make a drop one by one. This is the best approach to crush purpose.”
The considerable Kashi-Tree
In the old fashioned, all purpose bottling works put their capacity under the enormous tree. Since the shade made by the tree keeps the temperature cool and relentless. This tree is around 700 to 1,000 years of age.
Wood sign said
No Free Sake.
In the old fashioned, when the voyagers discovered the bottling works, they generally approach purpose for nothing. Along these lines, they put the moan said No Free Sake here in light of the fact that we are not bar.
Tamura Brewery (田村酒造所, Tamurasyuzojo)
The official site: http://seishu-kasen.com
Fussa 626, Fusa, Tokyo, 197-0011
use JR Chuo Line (Ome Line) to Fussa ,then walk