Eishundo (栄春堂) is a Shogi Piece, Japanese Style Chess, shop situated in Tendo Yamagata.
It has a wide range of Shogi pieces from sensible class to the most astounding class. The majority of the Shogi Pieces in Eishundo are hand made by the conventional way. The work region is opened to see, along these lines the clients can see the bosses’ works. It has likewise Kokeshi Dolls and a wide range of Shogi related things.
(Photo from official site)
Eishundo makes your unique topping of Shogi Pieces with your name on it. The embellishment, as well as for a little key chains, or straps, as well.
4 positions of Shogi Pieces.
1. Kaki Goma – a drawing text styles with finish on the pieces.
2. Hori Goma – a cutting text styles and shaded with enamel in the cut.
3. Horiume Goma – a polish marquetry textual style with fill of enamel in the cut.
4. Moriage Goma – a mounded by drawing over Horiume Goma.
Eishundo has two encountering courses to appreciate Traditional Craft works:
Experience drawing Shogi
Show you to draw your words on Shogi pieces. Make your unique Shogi pieces.
Affirmation: 1050 yen
Items: 9cm pieces and 6cm pieces.
Time: Appx. 30 min.
Experience drawing Kokeshi Doll
Show you to draw face and plan on Kokeshi Doll. Make your unique Kokeshi Doll.
Confirmation: 1050 yen
Items: 18cm Kokeshi Doll.
Time: Appx. 60 min.
Official web:http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~eishundo/sub2.html
use Tohoku Express way to Murata, and change to Yamagata Express way.